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To restore a dull, dirty finish without losing the original character and patina, apply Dr. Woodwell's Wood Elixir with a bristle brush. Wait for 5 minutes and rub with extra fine steel wool until the desired finish appears. Then simply buff with a clean cloth.
To remove Water Marks, apply Wood Elixir generously. Do not rub - let Dr. Woodwell do the work! Wait until water marks disappear (but not longer than 10 - 15 minutes), then wipe lightly with a lint-free cloth. Wait at least 15 minutes before buffing with a clean cloth.
Repeat if necessary, allowing 24 hours between treatments.
Only the most severe white water damage will require the use of steel wool.
In this example, old varnish is separating from dried-out furniture, and the finish will flake off if rubbed too hard. Apply Dr. Woodwell's Wood Elixir with a brush, wait a few minutes, then wipe lightly with a clean cloth. The original finish will be reattached and strengthened, and will cure in 24 hours. Dr. Woodwell's Wood Elixir will help reestablish the original color and gloss.
To remove a "Crazed" or "Alligator" finish in old varnish, generously apply Dr. Woodwell's Wood Elixir. Rub with steel wool in the direction of the grain. For a very rough surface, repeat until the desired smoothness is obtained. Complete by buffing with a clean cloth.
To remove Paint Splatters, apply Dr. Woodwell's Wood Elixir and wait for 15 minutes. Rub with extra fine steel wool, and polish.
In the example above, Dr. Woodwell's Wood Elixir removed alkyd paint splatters from an antique door without attacking the original, hand-grained finish.
If the finish of your piece is completely worn off, apply Dr. Woodwell's Wood Elixir generously with a brush. Apply a second coat with extra fine steel wool to remove any flakes of the old finish and to smooth and seal the new surface. Buff with a clean cloth.
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